Rather than front-loading this page with pictures of himself and a bio etc., Travis Flatt (who is for some reason writing about himself in the 3rd person) decided to give you the option to check out all that junk right here.
Travis Flatt is a teacher and actor living in the middle of Tennessee. He has a lit degree from UT Knoxville on his wall and stuff from other schools somewhere in his house.
When not writing short stories, Travis Flatt enjoys reading (currently: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem) and playing video games (currently: Elden Ring) or watching a movie (Celine and Julie Go Boating might be an example). When time and opportunity allow, he acts in theater and film—non-professionally at the moment.
This page is always under construction. The minimalist aesthetic is by necessity. If you like what you read, check back. The STORIES section will grow constantly, as TF has several more pieces in editing queue with various publishers.
Social Media
@WriterLeeFlatt – Twitter
Travis Flatt, author – Facebook
tlflatt42 – Instagram